Application Process

What to Include in an Application

Applications should be submitted on an official Grant Application Form along with any supporting documentation. The following should be included information;

(a) Latest Audited Statement of Accounts.
(b) A minimum of three quotes for the supply of equipment.
(c) Budget details of projects/trips.
(d) Constitution of the organisation and Business Plans.
(e) Do the people who will benefit live in St Helier? Please give numbers or percentage of the total number involved who live in the Parish? (documentary proof may be required)
(f) If applying for assistance written quotes may be required for the supply of any goods, equipment and services.

When Can You Apply?

Applications should be submitted by the 1st of each month and will be considered at the next meeting of Trustees.

The Trustees will then consider that application at their meeting during that month. Applications received after the 1st of the listed months will be considered at the next meeting following that month.

What Happens Next?

A representative of each Group/Club/Organisation submitting a grant application may be required to make a short presentation to the Trustees at the next available Trustees meeting.

Some applications may require a visit by the Trustees to premises or to meet applicants/young people requesting a grant. All grants are only made for single applications/projects/trips and cannot be transferred.

In the cases of an application for the purchase of equipment, confirmation of the purchase together with copies of receipted invoices will be required as proof of purchase. In the case of a project/trip, a brief report will be required to be submitted to the Board of Trustees within one month of the completion of the trip or project.

N.B Additional information may be requested by the Board of Trustees in order to fully adjudicate on any application, applicants will be given due notice of any such request. The Trustees may request documented evidence that the recipient/s of any grant live in the Parish of St Helier or are assisting with a project in St Helier for which the main beneficiaries are residents of the Parish of St Helier.

All completed application forms and supporting documentation will be treated confidentially and returned to the applicant to the address stipulated on the application form or destroyed within 3 years.